We proclaim Green Friday
Consumption because of consumption. On Friday it's that time again and thousands of brands advertise on Black Friday with unbeatable discounts for purchases. Last but not least, that means more transport, more consumption of resources, more rubbish, more waste. We think it's time for something else and proclaim Green Friday, because conscious consumption is important to us and thus also doing something directly for the environment. From November 23rd to November 27th we are supporting a project in Cambodia by One Earth One Ocean (oeoo) and want to stop the flood of plastic. For every shoe ordered this week, 10 kg of rubbish will be fished out of the water.
“Marine littering”, the pollution of the world's oceans, rivers and lakes, endangers the organisms living in them and is one of the greatest challenges for our global society. An estimated 150 million tons of plastic are already in our oceans, and more than 10 million tons are added every year. Up to 80 percent of marine litter originates on land, around three quarters of which is made of plastic. Together with oeoo we want to change something and support a project in Cambodia.
A team of local garbage collectors cleans the Sangkae River and its banks in Battambang, which is heavily polluted by (plastic) rubbish, five days a week with the support of oeoo. The oeoo rubbish collection ship is used here.
The Sangkae River is a tributary of the Mekong that flows through six Asian countries and is one of the ten rivers in the world that carry the most plastic into the oceans. The oeoo cleaning team in Battambang now consists of five permanent employees who are paid by oeoo.
There is also a volunteer program for other volunteers. Up to 120 bags of garbage are collected every day, which corresponds to an incredible 1.5 tons. In addition to the cleaning campaigns, there are regular training courses and lectures for local people on the subject of waste avoidance and recycling. The long-term goal is to clean up the entire Mekong and its tributaries in Cambodia.
Perhaps you remember, through our climate neutrality we support a project that is committed to the purification of waters - learn more here.